Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Classes Start

I think that I'm finally starting to get used to living in Florence! I never really thought about the size of the city before, I mean, compared to New York, LA, or Chicago, Florence is nothing. But it is still about 15 times bigger than any city I've ever lived in. It's been a bit of an adjustment, but I really love this city a lot, and it's so beautiful. I finally made the hike up to Piazza Michelangelo, across the river, which offers an amazing view of the city, surrounding hills, and mountains. Amazing!

My classes started this week also. I'm taking Italian, which means that my vocabulary has expanded from about ten words to forty - a definite improvement! I'm also in Florence Rennaisance Art History, Religion and Women, and World Ethics - all of which seem really interesting right now. In a couple of the classes, we take many "field trips" out around the city, sometimes not even meeting in the classroom. For example, next week my Art History course is meeting at Giotto's belltower, and then we are having class at Santa Maria del Fiore (the cathedral most commonly known as Il Duomo) and the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (looking at the art galleries). My Religion and Women class even takes a day trip to Rome in April - wow! I'm still trying to get one final class added in so that I have a full course load - tomorrow's project!

I've started to interact a little bit more with the locals also, mostly at store's and markets. Nothing seems as simple here as it is back in the states, such as buying groceries, getting stamps and finding a post box, It's always a bit nerve wracking to not be able to communicate as much as usual, but most people speak a bit of English, and I am learning the art of gesturing! Hopefully I'll catch on to Italian quickly...

Today I walked back up to Piazza Michelangelo, and then past it and higher up to the gorgeous San Miniato al Monte. I walked around the outside which is a graveyard - and the most unique graveyard I have ever been it. I found it so fascinating and relaxing. There were old and new family crypts, some actually graves and headstones, and mostly just hundreds of vaults all around the walls, some old and some new with fresh flowers. The church was amazing to look at too but unfortunately I didn't bring my camera with me or have time to go inside, as my goal was mainly just to get outside, walk around, and relax a little bit. I will definitely be going back when I have more time to spend there.

Tomorrow, the chocolate festival starts in Piazza Santa Croce (yum!), and this weekend, I'm going to Venice with four other girls for the carnival. After that, my next goals are to get in a library and find the best gelato stand!

I want to thank people for reading - it's nice to hear that people are enjoying this blog and makes me a little more motivated to keep writing! Hope everyone at home is doing well!

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