Thursday, March 11, 2010

Midterms already!

I finished writing the blog about my weekend trip almost two days ago, and somehow managed to not publish it. Sorry everyone!

I just wanted to make a few quick notes, to let you all know a little about what has been happening this week.

1 - It snowed! Yes, I'm in Italy, in March, and it was snowing (according to, it was actually colder here in Florence than in Wisconsin on Tuesday). I just had to tell you all that. Mom's coming up to visit soon, and I was hoping to be able to send some of my warmer clothes home with her - instead, she's planning on bringing a winter coat!

2 - Trains in Europe are not fun to try to plan, especially when you only have about a week and a half left until the trip, or right around Easter time. Mom and I are planning to go to Salzburg, and I finally managed to get tickets today, but trying to plan it was unbelievable. So, thanks Mom for doing so much of the work online! Don't get me wrong, trains are still the best way to travel in Europe - but if anyone is planning a trip soon, don't wait too long to start looking at any trains that are international!

3 - I have midterms next week. That means that half of my time in Italy is up - unbelievable. The time has just flown by, and there is still so much that I want to do! It also means that I really have to study this weekend though, I don't feel as prepared going into midterms yet as I do at SNC. That worries me, but in the same way, I'm still having a hard time getting too concerned about school when I am exploring Italy. I really need to find a good balance between fun, relaxation, and schoolwork right now.

4 - I got hit by a pigeon today. Literally. I honestly think I'm still in shock about that. I was walking down the street back to my apartment, and as usual, there were pigeons in the road. Well, a car came by and scared them, so the pigeon jumped and flew away from the car, and then hit my arm in it's desperate escape! I never thought that I would ever in my life be run into by a wild pigeon - very strange...

1 comment:

  1. Considering that your entire time in Italy is education (although maybe not the traditional kind), I think it's ok to let the books slide a little!
    Have fun sightseeing with your mom!
